Ketika Semua Rasaku Kalah Saat Berhadapan Denganmu

Aku nyaman ketika aku sedang menunggu

Aku seperti cinta akan menunggu

Aku melakukannya setiap hari

Seperti tak kenal rasa bosan

Aku menari dalam tarian

Yang dibasahi hujan kerinduan

Tiada rasa lelah sedikit pun untukmu

Karena semua rasaku

Kalah saat berhadapan denganmu

-Putri M-

Your Smile

Looking her in my eyes is possibly the hardest task i’ve ever endured. Not because i can’t or i don’t want to,simply because the largest smile appears on my face which slowly turn into the smallest giggle, which slowly it just then followed by the same proces of her smiling at me. it’s somewhat beautiful to me actually.

i could say i’m in love with this girl,well only because i really i am. this feeling that not even my high school sweetheart gave me. just this indescribable feeling of joy and happiness, hope, of course love, and occasionally anger that’s quickly overcome by that amazing smile that kills me everytime he looks over at me. I mean i’ll be honest her smile not perfect, but it’s her smile, her that’s directed toward me.